Mr. Zeno's blog interested me because I'm all for no censorship in schools. Kids these days are already so disconnected from the world and so many have no idea what the real world is like, we don't need to fuel this issue.
I remember being in middle school and reading Harry Potter as a class, one kid mentioned this to their parents and the parents freaked out. Long story short, we didn't get to finish Harry Potter. People try to shelter their kids from anything these days and when the kids finally get out of the house they don't know how to handle life.
I completely agree with Mr. Zeno's opinion on this issue and think that there is already enough censorship in this world, let's not start picking and choosing books we think are acceptable. Kid need to have some say, enough to be able to decide if they want to read Harry Potter or not. There should options readily available for them so they can choose what they do or do not like.
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